ENIGMA Tryouts – Coming Soon

July 18th, 2017

The 2017-2018 youth competitive travel  soccer season is upon us once again.  Many events are lining up for the participation of top level soccer players, and none of greater relevance than the world renowned Dr. Pepper Dallas Cup, which holds its international tournament during March/April 2018. Since 2006, FUTSOC have placed over150 players in college, universities and professional ranks in the U.S. and abroad and these events have served as the platforms for these great successes.

To this end, yearly participant FUTSOC ENIGMA, is preparing to attend once again. Coming off two consecutive Dallas Cup and other top level events in 2016 and 2017, we will soon be hosting tryouts in several areas of Miami-Dade, Broward and Collier Counties, in order to properly identify and select the top players TO complement our core group of ENIGMA players,  for the upcoming series of premier elite tournements to be held around the nation (IMG Cup and College Showcase, Potomac Memorial Cup, NYC Worldwide Showcase and Dr. Pepper Dallas Cup, to name the most prominent events).

Locations, dates and times are forthcoming, and will be posted on this site. If you are interested and wish to be contacted, please send you personal information to: or contact us at: 954.812.7991.