Summer Training Program – A Successful Start!

July 1st, 2020

This week, FUTSOC commenced its 2020 Summer Training Program, adhering to all mandated protocols and recommendations issued by leading health experts, as well as, County and City government mandates.

The great enthusiasm demonstrated by the participants was magical and so inspiring…expressions, which have been so “bottled up” for months since overcome by the quarantined state brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The children have so longed for these moments…these opportunities to train, the chances to reconvene with friends and schoolmates once more. This re-start of physical exertion, accompanied with the psychological and emotional release, was clearly observed…a greatly positive sign at this stage of these most challenging times!

We continue to receive much interest and demand for our training program and look forward to serving our membership and others, with complete dedication, utmost support and total consideration and care for all children.

If interested, please contact us at (954) 812-7991 or