2020 FUTSOC Summer Training Program a Great Success

August 26th, 2020

At FUTSOC, we decided to take a very guarded approach in our return to play and decided to “test” the environment by hosting our 2020 FUTSOC Summer Soccer Program. After eight (8) weeks of activity these last two months, we are very happy to report ZERO incidence of viral transmission, as FUTSOC conducted all activities under our submitted strict protocol to the City of Weston and abided by it in the strictest manner (all details of our protocol online on our website).  

A total of thirty (30) training sessions (involving intense physical and technical training primarily) for groups of over 20 children of all ages (7 to 18), were conducted, observing all recommended health and governmental mandates and the results were outstanding on many levels. The restoration of social interaction, the return to sporting activities and the participation in varying environmental conditions (heat and rain) provided the children with a renewed sense of well-being and joy, which had been absent all these months under the restrictive COVID-19 scenarios.

We will be implementing this same guarded start-up approach to our 2020 FUTSOC soccer season, which commences on Tuesday, September 8th.