FUTSOCs Focus on Academics

September 9th, 2021

Once again, FUTSOC prepares to strongly highlight and highly regard top level academics for our membership.

As in years past, at FUTSOC we consider all attributes of a student athlete of great importance. While we accept, train, and develop young men in our beautiful sport of soccer, we also recognize the great importance of education in creating well rounded young men.

Always one injury away from a dream falling apart, we consider promoting academic excellence as the single most positive and significant avenue for a young person to become a truly productive and salient member of society. These times are becoming more challenging than ever, so the reliance upon sports alone does not constitute a best outcome scenario for our youths.

We truly stress and greatly encourage, that all our membership endeavor to meet the challenges of life with a balanced approach to their most important activities…sports and academics! We stand strongly with you the parents, in establishing a solid foundation for our children. We owe it to them…they deserve nothing less!

As such, FUTSOC will once again return its focus to rewarding top grade earners with a full soccer player profile (including interview and personal stats) to be displayed on our website as well as, a gift card to be used at a sports store for any latest goods available. Simply provide us a copy of your report card at each term end and those attaining straight A’s, will be duly recognized for their excellent achievements.

This is our way of saying that we value you, we respect you, and we encourage you!