FUTSOC Teams Performed Admirably at 2021 Springs Cup… U18/19 Reach the Championship Match

December 27th, 2021

In mid – December we had the opportunity to get our play component of the season started, as we sent three (3) teams to participate in the Springs Holiday Cup tournament. Our U 13/14, U 14/15 and U18/19 teams participated most successfully with performances that warranted great accolades, since they all played up in older age groups.

A long-standing practice by our club, we always endeavor to play our teams up, to better gauge the players capabilities with older players and teams. This allows the coaching staff a clearer picture as to their current technical and physical skill levels and their capabilities for future events age brackets.

In summary, our U17/18/19 FUTSOC Futalan boys opened the event with a loss to a top rated Parkland FC tournament team, we proceeded to defeat a very disciplined Boca Predators FC 1::0 and reach the championship match against one of the top teams in the state (Parkland FC), losing only by a minimal score of 0::2 in a very hard-fought match played in front of a multitude of spectators.

Our U14/15 FUTSOC Futalan boys opened with a loss against a last-minute filler team of the highest state rankings, came back to tie their second match against a very solid East Florida United FC team, and were able to play to a semi-final level against Davie United FC, where a victory would have placed us in the final. Unfortunately, leading by 2::1, a last-minute goal by our respected opponent, resulted in a tie score at 2::2, leaving us out of the championship match. A fantastic performance by our young mixed age squad.

Lastly, our U13/14 FUTSOC Futalan boys entered the event against a top level Barca Academy Pro U14 squad, losing by a lopsided score only to recover and play much better against a very experienced East Florida United FC team in the next two matches. Regrettably, our greatest obstacles were not only the age differentials and technical level of our opponents, but also the fact that we had only one substitute player the entire event…putting intense pressure on our boys to sustain their performances. Regardless, our boys showed great determination and played with great passion and intensity.

In summary, we are immensely proud of the outstanding effort and the unyielding tenacity demonstrated by our three squads. They have prepared very well during the last two months and are truly acquiring the necessary technical skills and tactical understanding, to complement their physical development. The immediate future looks very promising, as we now can better assign players and teams to the appropriate competitive levels, which will continue to challenge them throughout the 2022 portion of the season.

We are also extremely excited to undertake the preparation our younger players at the Bambinos, U9/10, and U11/12 levels for their upcoming Jamborees / Festivals in January. (Dates to be announced shortly).

Thank you all for your support of our very dedicated efforts with your children, as we continue to develop their skills and nurture their enthusiasm and passion for the game.