This summer, FUTSOC has been redirected to modify summer activities due to our existing COVID-19 pandemic. As such, we have substituted our customary summer soccer program for a more tailored and specific training program.
While not the extensive summer training program typically offered to elite players and college students every summer, we are offering a training program which will provide the necessary elements required for a quick start for the upcoming season, one that is entirely conforming to CDC recommendations and governing bodies guidelines. The program will consist of seven weekly sessions, open to individual selection, with a five-day rotation of three-hour sessions each day.
Cognizant that the children have been out of training for a few months now and fully understanding of the weather elements, we consider this adaptation to be an optimal model to bring the children back into the level of activities they were previously at.
Return To Play Guidelines
All registering for the FUTSOC Summer Training Program must adhere to the outlined Return to Play Guidelines found below. Please ensure you follow these guidelines as they will be strictly enforced.
Click here for the Return to Play Guidelines